Hey friends! Sorry it’s been so quiet around here this week. We’re on vacation, and the post I had planned for earlier this week just wasn’t bringing me any motivation to finish. So after working on it for awhile last night, I pushed it off until February. Sometimes you just lose that inspiration for a post. Such is the life of a blogger.
So, I thought I’d do a little random ramblings post today. Give you a little insight into my mind (scary!).Here are some random thoughts I’ve had lately.
-Everyone is all “I can’t wait for spring. I’m ready for warm weather again. I’m over winter.” And I’m over here all, “We need more snow! I haven’t gone skiing enough this season. When can we get more sledding in?” So, all y’all that are looking for it to be spring, I’m over here doing my snow dance, taking all your spring wishing juju away. #sorrynotsorry
-I love that Kellen is working from home in the afternoon/evening. It leaves our mornings open and he can help me with the kids. But dude, we have a routine. And I spend all day with these two kids, by myself. I know what I’m doing. I love you, but just chill and let me do my thing.
-I love to write after a glass, or two, of wine. In fact I’m drinking a nice Syrah right now while writing this post. Sometimes I write the best posts after a few glasses of wine.
-I love the game Heads Up. We just played it for the first time this week and I love it. Probably because I own that game, especially the Hey Mr. DJ. I would literally play this game every day if I had the time.
-I’d like to say that I’m on point with my goals this month but I’m so behind. And honestly I really don’t care. I’ve been less than motivated this month. Probably because we have a lot of personal things going on that I haven’t shared on here, which is making life a hot mess. But whatever. I’m trying to be as go with the flow as possible.
-Okay, this one may offend some people but I just have to get it off my chest. What is the deal with Whole30? Like, you eat well for 30 days then what, go back to eating like sh*t? What ever happened to just eating well all the time? Maybe it’s just me but I choose healthy food 95% of the time, plain and simple. I mean, it’s a great way to kick off a new lifestyle of eating healthy but I feel like so many people just go back to eating like crap after the 30 days. Or maybe I’m misinformed. Fill me in!
-Kellen and I are finally going to have another date in a few weeks! This will be our second date since EJ has been born. Thank you to friends who have volunteered to watch the kiddos.
-It took me over 2 hours to write this post because we were playing the Monopoly card game while I was writing. Fun game by the way.
-We were supposed to move to Japan. I know. Totally random and out of the blue but here’s the scoop. Kellen got a job in September that was going to take us to Japan for a year. We sold furniture, got our house ready to rent out, started learning Japanese. Then right before the end of the year things changed. It was a complete shock to us and a total disappointment.
So we are now in sort of this limbo phase in life. Kellen looking for a new job and us unsure of what the future brings. Just wanted to put it all out there since I know that I’d hinted at some big changes happening over the last few months.
And that’s all I got. We are two bottles of wine deep so I’m going to go ahead and end it here.
Tell me something random!

Umm that last one is huge…hoping everything works out the way you guys want!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Having Matt home throws off our routine too. My dad was actually born in Japan. On an Air Force base, but still in Japan. 🙂 We had a job fall through last year after we had put the house on the market. Thankfully, our house never even got a serious interest (houses don’t sell in winter around here). I understand how crazy it can be and we were only moving 3 hours away!
I hope you guys are having a great time in the snow! The Whole30… I agree with you that you can’t just eat healthy for 30 days. I assume people are just wanting to see quick results, but it needs to be more of a lifestyle change. I do like some of the recipes they post, as I’ve been trying to cut out most dairy and grains. And you did great writing a post after a couple glasses of wine. I don’t even want to imagine what a post of mine would look like if I tried that. Haha!
Japan? Oh my goodness! That’s such a bummer that things changed! It’s crazy how fast life can completely change on you. I hope you guys figure it out!
Haha! I think I write better when I’m drinking wine too! Though I haven’t had the chance to do that in many many months 🙁 I agree about people eating clean for a short period, then eating crap. It should motivate people to eat that way most of the time. I love the game Heads Up too. I’ve actually paid for a couple new categories and I NEVER pay for apps on my phone. Bummer about Japan…I know you were excited about that. Hopefully whatever ends up happening with K’s job will be even better! On the bright side, I get to see you when we come up there in March!
I rather it snow than be brutally and passive aggressively cold 🙁 hahaha. London has been the coldest it has been in a long time supposedly and I get a lot of wind because I’m really close to the River Thames. ALSO, love then you drink + blog. I could never ever do that hahaha. I would probably write profanities worse than your Whole30 rant. Speaking of, I don’t believe in Whole30 either. I don’t believe in any diet really… I think moderation is key and that is also key to happiness! Finally, bummer about Japan, but just gives you an opportunity to move to London. ALSO, if you moved to Japan for a year (most 1 year projects abroad turn into multi-years), this would be around the time EJ would start speaking. COULD YOU IMAGINE?! He would have been fluent in Japanese!!!
I’m an advocate for drinking wine and writing. Definitely.
Still super bummed about Japan. That would have been SUCH an adventure for y’all. Keeping my fingers crossed for something AMAZING for you.
Finally someone else who wants some snow and some winter!Our reasons might be different (it’s too hot in GA and I would like to prolong winter as long as possible) but just know I’m right there with ya!!
I’m raising my cup of coffee to you (because it’s not yet noon and too early for wine) in sharing your sentiments on Whole30! Like you’re really only going to eat like that for the rest of your life? WHY? No. I actually had a similar debate with a few of my friends who are obsessed (literally) with doing “cleanses.” So, you deprive and starve yourself for however many days, and then when you’re off the cleanse, you binge on all the crap you couldn’t have, gain all the weight back, gain all the bloat back, start sleeping like crap again and have bad skin again??? What is the effing point to this madness???