Ah life update posts. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. But I was chatting with some ladies in one of my blogging tribes and they inspired me to do a good old fashioned update.
A lot has been going on in life so brace yourself for a small novel. Here we go.
I’ve shared on Snapchat (@atouchofgrace2) that my hydrangeas are out of control this year but just look at these puppies! That flower is like the size of my head friends. I kid you not. And each plant has at least 15-20 flowers on it. We have fresh flowers throughout the house and I am loving it!
This kid is loving himself some tummy time. He legit gets pissed when you roll him back onto his back after like 8-10 minutes of tummy time. He wants more! And when he rolls over to his tummy he looks around and then smiles to himself like, “Yeah bitches! I just rolled over to my tummy!” He is so proud. Still just the happiest kid. He is literally the happiest baby on the block.
In addition to loving tummy time he is OBSESSED with his hands. They are constantly in his mouth and he just drools all day long. Little A was not a drool-y baby at all, even when she was teething. I now understand why parents put bibs on their kids all the time when they are teething. I may be resorting to bibs very soon.
And I think he’s weighing in around 16-17 pounds these days. He’s sporting all 6-9 month clothing and I silently shed a tear each week as I go through his drawers and put more clothes he’s outgrown in the giveaway pile. The bad mom in me wants to keep him little forever so I’m more than likely depriving him from necessary developmental things. But he’s my last so cut me some slack.
Speaking of big sis, this girl has quite the social calendar these days. She has weekly play dates with her twin besties, is seeing her forever bestie 3 times this week, and her summer activity calendar puts mine to shame. She has swim, dance and soccer each week, and she’s also attending 3 summer camps! And look, I wasn’t super thrilled about her desire to play soccer. It is not my favorite sport. But she had her first practice last week and it was pretty damn cute. And she was so happy and excited after that I think I can put up with 30 minutes each week for the next month.
I won’t bore you with my Anniversary sale haul because I’m sure you’ve read 735 other posts with anniversary sale items in it. I’ll just say that I shopped the sale, a pair of leopard flats I wanted for Little A sold out 2 hours before I could place my order on the first day, so I went to the store to try to finagle some from another store in the company and they were gone everywhere in all sizes. That about ruined it all for me, and her because she was really looking forward to having shoes like Mama. But she got some bright pink Chucks for hip hop class so that somewhat makes up for the flats. We should be getting all our stuff here any day so maybe I’ll do an unboxing like beauty bloggers do on Snapchat. Make sure you’re following along because I’m sure it will be a gem (@atouchofgrace2).
PS. How many times can I plug Snapchat in one post?
We ordered some canvas’ for the house.
This one will go in our bedroom. It was so hard to narrow down which maternity photo to put on canvas but I think we made a good choice.
And this one was a no brainer for us. I mean that face of hers had to be documented in a 3 foot long canvas to be forever displayed on our family room wall.
This was my first time doing canvas prints and I am in love! It changes things up a bit from all our pictures in frames and I can handle this sort of change.
Blogging related: I decided to stop hosting my photos externally. For some reason that I cannot figure out, when I’d add them to my post they would never come across the same size, even though I’d make them all the same width. I’m sick of trying to figure it out so I now just use WP Smush to shrink the file size and import them directly to WordPress. So now all my photos will be the correct size. You’re welcome.
Have I told you that we pretty much fired our contractor for our home renovation? Yeah, when you tell me something is going to cost x, and I find $3k in savings by getting cheaper flooring, but you tell me the cost isn’t going to change, then you up the price by $6k when I ask you to re-quote it for me, you’ll be fired.
So we made the bold (read:insane) decision to do the painting ourselves, then go back and ask another contractor who originally bid the work for us to re-quote based on the new flooring and us doing all the painting. Oh and we’re also doing the demo (I must have lost my mind). Fingers crossed he comes in about $10k under what we’d originally planned with all DIY projects we’ll be doing. Lord knows Mama ain’t got time to be dinkin’ around with GC’s all day.
It’s Seafair time here in Seattle. If you aren’t familiar, it’s a massive festival that lasts for the whole month of July and includes multiple city parades, festivals, races, men in uniform (navy boys), a night parade and concludes with hydroplane races on Lake Washington (among other things). We’ve partaken in a few of the local festivals but have yet to attend a parade. I’m hoping to talk the hubs into the big Seafair parade. I was a Seafair princess back in the day and the parade is awesome. For some reason he just doesn’t dig parades. Sort of like how he wasn’t stoked on Disneyland (yes, he’s never been to Disneyland).
I’ve had that “Don’t Let Me Down” song stuck in my head for about 3 weeks (who sings that song?!). No really, I have. And it’s just that part of the song that I replay over and over in my head…and sometimes out loud. Oh well I guess sometimes I’ll belt out the, “I need you, I need you, I need you right now!” part as well. Oh just looked it up. It’s by the Chainsmokers. I was also somewhat confused by the music video. What’s with the car bouncing? Anyways, I really hope the kids in the next dance studio choose a different song to dance to tonight or I might lose my mind (see what I did right there?).
Oh and about the wine. Our stock has seriously dwindled since my giving birth. Luckily we’re heading back to Chelan next month and will be picking up 2 cases of our wine club shipments. I’ll feel much less anxious with a fully stocked wine cabinet.
Tell me something you’ve been up to lately?

Your canvas photos are gorgeous – love the ones you picked!! Funny that you mention A’s social calendar – I was talking to my sister yesterday and she’s like – I feel like I’m coordinating their social lives – she has 3 kids lol! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Thanks Biana! I totally get your sister; I feel the exact same way!
Love all the random things going on! The canvases turned out wonderful! Seriously…A’s face…adorable. That stinks about the little leopard flats but I’m glad you found the Chucks. She’s a busy little girl! Wish I was there to drink wine with you! Glad you’re getting some cases soon ๐
Life is just a bunch of randomness lately, that’s for sure! I wish you were here too!! We had such a good time the last time we got together. Miss you friend!
The wine and the general contractors – both I can relate too!
HAHA yes! The wine is very worrisome. ๐
THANK YOU FOR NOT DOING ANOTHER F’ING #NSALE POST. Oh man, I know bloggers make a killing on their affiliate status with that sale, but I go out of my way to NOT read those posts. If I have to read how some dumb blogger is ‘obsessed with’ or ‘crushing on’ one more thing THEY CAN’T AFFORD anyway, I’ll lose my mind. *drops mic*
Anyway, E and O are the same size and O just turned 7 months! Except O is just about 30 inches long so I’m betting he’s still taller than E… But he’s 17 pounds! Haha. Awwwww, babies ๐
They do but I, like you, am just exhausted of them. E is a tank! He’s about 27 inches so he’s creeping up there for sure! He’s going to be a giant. I see him as a linebacker for sure. The hubs is thinking defensive end so we’ll see. ๐ Babies are just the best.
I second Paige. The #NSale posts tire me out. I love reading these life updates! I love the snaps where he’s laughing and giggling. So freaking cute! ALSO, A should totally play soccer, I PLAYED SOCCER! I swear she and I are two peas in a pod. I also grew up with twin besties (going to one of their wedding’s in the winter actually). So if you’re ever worried about A, you’ll know she’ll turn out just fine (inver angel emoji), but then again you wouldn’t want her to considering the weekend snaps…
She really is like a mini Supal! She is loving soccer so I have a feeling I’ll be standing out in the rain and wind in the coming years. Your weekend snaps are my absolute favorites. I love weekend Supal. ๐
I can’t wait to see all the different renovations that you’re doing! And the 2 pictures of your kids that you posted today, should totally be put on a canvas as well. So cute!
Aw thanks Jenny. I busted out the DSLR for those, which I never do, but should more often. EJ is turning out to be just as photogenic as his big sis!
Your maternity photos are simply stunning. Like, total goals!
EJ is SUCH a doll. I love watching him cackle on your snapchat. And Little A is growing up so much – and clearly is very busy. ๐
Thanks girl! I can’t believe how big EJ is getting! He’s just the best. And yes, Little A’s schedule is something I wish I had. Girl is a social butterfly!
So jealous of your hydrangeas! I moved to Texas two years ago and still can’t figure out how to grow anything that doesn’t die in two weeks. That causes me to want more wine ASAP. ๐
Yeah the Texas heat does not make it conducive for growing many plants. Maybe a cactus? ๐
First of all, your photography is gorgeous!!! Are you using a DSLR? I really need to get back in the habit of using mine. Sooo jealous of those hydrangeas! I remember we used to have them around our house in NC…unfortunately we don’t get to enjoy them here in AZ ๐ Waaah. I love your little happy guy, he is just so precious and I love his Snaps! I still deny Isaac from necessary developmental things because I want to keep him small too…I’m in denial that he’s humongous and not even a toddler anymore. I’ve got to check out that plugin, I’m still hosting my photo externally but have been wondering if there’s an easier way. All of the resizing and then uploading to the other site and putting in the code…so much work. Love your update, I hope you keep doing them frequently!