It’s been a long while since I’ve done a life lately update. I love that I can come to this space and share little tidbits of our life, in between health and fitness and recipe posts.
Let’s have a little catch up, shall we?
The Mind Your Business podcast. If y’all are into personal development podcasts, this is one of my favorites. James Wedmore helps content creators and entrepreneurs leave an impression that lasts. He’s big on masterminding, which Kellen and I do as well. It’s really inspirational and gets me thinking about my businesses and how to better myself.
Getting myself some new summer clothes. My summer wardrobe is severely lacking. I picked up a pair of jean shorts at Nordstrom Rack the other day, but need to exchange them for a smaller size. I think the last time I bought a summer top was like 3 years ago maybe? I don’t know. But I do know that I need something to wear for a trip next month.
I also don’t know what’s “in” these days. I don’t really follow many fashion bloggers (okay like one), and I don’t shop, so help a sista out! Tell me what I should be shopping for, for warmer weather!
My sneakers and leggings most days. I’m all about comfort when I’m playing on the ground with EJ. Plus I workout 4-5 days a week, so you know I’m probably just gonna stay in that the rest of the day.
All the coffee! I was doing good on cutting back, but I’ve been back up to two or three cups a day this week! I mean, yes, it’s decaf, but still, that’s a lot of coffee. I’m going to tackle this one hard next week because one of my goals this year is to drink less coffee (what the heck was I thinking)!
My upcoming trip! I’m heading to Florida at the end of May to meet up with some of my blogging girlfriends! Y’all, this will be my first girls weekend since my bachelorette party…..7 years ago. I know, it’s seriously so sad. This will be Kellen’s first time watching both kids for more than a few hours by himself, so please pray for him. This will also be my first time away from EJ, so double pray for him because that kid is ATTACHED to his mama!
All the baby snuggles. One of my favorite parts of the day is when EJ wakes up, and when he goes to bed, because he is super snuggly. He just nestles right into me and lays his little head on my shoulder and I rub his back. It melts me every time.
Also, A is starting to read more and more these days and I love it! She is constantly sounding out new words and asks to read books herself now, instead of me reading to her.
Awaken The Giant Within, by Tony Robbins. I mainly read personal development books, with a random pleasure book scattered in every so often. This book is MASSIVE, and I only have time to read a few times a week, but I will get through it! And if I can’t, I’ll download the audio book and listen to it. Because it’s really flipping good!
I’m still on a huge homemade granola kick, so I’ll have plain Greek yogurt with granola for breakfast or a snack almost every day. Other than that it’s mostly chicken and veggies. Gotta get ready for bathing suit season!
A little stressed, but it’s becoming more manageable. We’ve gotten into a better routine after all the travel, so that helps a lot. And stepping back from social media has also helped. I feel more free and I’m trying not to put so much pressure on myself to grow, but it’s hard when those around you are. But they are in a different season than I am, so I’m just giving myself grace in that area.
13 Reasons Why on Netflix. It’s goooood y’all. I allow myself to watch TV 2 nights a week, and I’m on episode 6 or 7 now. If you haven’t seen it, check it out.
The love EJ has for his sister. A has been really struggling with Kellen being gone, and it comes out in her behavior. When EJ sees his sister upset, he goes over and snuggles into her and hugs her. It seriously makes me want to cry. He’s so intuitive already.
I’m also grateful for my sweet husband and how hard he’s working for us. I know it’s hard on him being away from the family as well, and I so appreciate the sacrifice he’s making.
What’s something that’s been on your mind this week? I’d love to hear about it. Tell me something you’re grateful for!

Ok, you’re like the 5th person who’s mentioned 13 reasons why… Maybe I need to get into it! And while I have no idea about the trendy clothes, I just go to Anthropologie or Nordstrom and see what they’re wearing, then I buy the toned-down version because, you know, I’m not that trendy 😉
I am so jealous that y’all are getting together! Maybe next time I’ll be able to swing it.
I wear a lot of skirts and summer dresses in the summer. You pretty much can’t go wrong w summer dresses. I’ve even seen some of the ladies wearing dresses like I had in high school!!??!?!?
You are one of the strongest, most organized, studious, well put together, beautiful woman (and mother)…smart and I’m sure I forgot a few other characteristics! I’m glad you are my friend. I hope you have a great time in FL…enjoy yourself!
Ohh that podcast sounds right up my alley! It sounds like you guys are getting back to your routine, which I’m sure feels great & I’m sure you’re so excited for your girls trip in a few weeks!
You’re going to Florida! How fun! I can’t wait to hear all about it.
EJ is going to get so jelly when he finds out I’ve been using your shoulder! And his love for his sister will only grow. When I get stressed to the point of tears or even really upset/self conscious, I ONLY go to my brother. My parents have even resorted to having him talk to me. He’s like a third parents. Little brothers are amazing!
Oh a girls trip sounds like so much fun! Man, you’re going to the opposite side of the country! I’m planning one with a few girlfriends too…to either Napa or Mexico…we’re not sure which yet. Have so much fun on yours!
Seeing your kids love and take care of each other is the most heart-melting thing! And we watched 13 Reasons Why up until episode 9 and it got a little too graphic for us. Be warned, it gets intense!
I love this kind of post especially since I’ve been so absent in the blogging world! I definitely need summer clothes too, but lucky you to need a SMALLER size. I was also hooked on 13 Reasons Why, and still enjoyed watching it, but also have some cons about it (we can talk about it – no spoilers!). I’m SO incredibly jealous of your Florida trip!!!!!!!!1