Budgets. You either love them, hate them, or you don’t understand them. But setting a budget is key when it comes to money management. There are many reasons why you need to set a budget. … [Continue Reading]
12 Ways To Cut Monthly Expenses
Looking for ways to make your money go a little further? Here are 12 ways to cut monthly expenses, and get a little extra cash in your wallet. Years ago, Kellen and I set a… [Continue Reading]
Our tips for living on one income (and living well)
10 tips our family swears by for living on one income. Image courtesy of fantasista at FreeDigitalPhotos.net It’s been almost 6 months since I left my job in corporate America to be a stay at… [Continue Reading]
5 tips for setting a successful budget
Everyone should have a budget. These tips make setting a budget so simple you’d be silly not to. I’ve shared with y’all previously about mine and K’s debt free journey. Yes, we’re still on… [Continue Reading]
Life Lessons My Dad Has Taught Me
My dad. You guys, I don’t even have the words to describe how much this man means to me. He has always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. He has always been in my corner… [Continue Reading]
No Spend January Review
Back at the beginning of January Huebie and I undertook the challenge of only spending money on the necessities: food, gas bills. No Starbucks, no toys or clothes for Little A, no items for the… [Continue Reading]
No Spend January
Oh man yesterday was rough! Getting back into the every day grind of work and normal schedules is tough! We’re starting some organizing around the house that I’ll share with you next week. It feels… [Continue Reading]
Our debt free journey
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. It’s important for us to take time to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom and the freedom of others. We had a… [Continue Reading]